Friday, October 30, 2009

Tomato Sauce

Jangan kacau cuma goyang-goyang aja periuk tu sekali sekala supaya sayur tidak melekat, cara ni  akan menghasilkan sos yang lebih  lazat.

1 batang celery 
1 biji karot, kupas
1 biji bawang besar 
1 ulas bawang puith
750g tomato segar, cincang kasar
1 cawan flat-leaf parsley
1 cawan  basil leaves
2 sudu makan extra virgin olive oil
2 sudu makan unsalted butter
Chop the celery, carrot, onion and garlic into tiny pieces, roughly all the same size. Place the tomato pieces in a large casserole. Place the carrot, then the celery, the onion, garlic and finally the herbs on the top. Pour the olive oil over and cook for 1 hour, on a medium heat without stirring but just shaking the pan to prevent it from sticking. Put the contents through a food mill, (or if you don't have one use a food processor but do not over blend, the sauce should be thick and quite chunky and you should should be able to see tiny bits of the vegetables within the thick sauce). Add the butter and further reduce the sauce until it has thickened slightly, about 10 minutes. Leave to cool. 

Freeze in small batches as the sauce is concentrated. 

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